Strategic Planning for Sustainability
for Design Charrette Check out the Dauphin Island Strategic Plan Flow Chart that will guide the future of community sustainable development. Island Concerns for the Future Complete the Stakeholder Survey Form Dauphin Island Strategic Planning Final Report
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Upcoming Planning Events July 2007 The work of Dauphin Island stakeholders during the June 7, 2007 SWOT Analysis Workshop (part of the DI Strategic Planning initiative) identified the key areas that will be the focus of future strategic planning toward the long-term development of the Island community. Based upon their understanding of Planning Progress (slide presentation) that has been made with the planning process to-date, participants in the Workshop developed an action-oriented flow chart of Strategic Steps to be taken in order to achieve the shared, community defined Vision for Dauphin Island's future. This workshop analysis identified 8 topics that resident design teams will address at the July Charrette. These include:
The Design Charrette is scheduled for Thursday, July 26, 2007 through Saturday, July 28, 2007. Thursday's session will be from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the evening and will be an opportunity for both charrette participants and observers to review the background of work that has led to the Charrette and find out the schedule for the remaining days of the Charrette. Friday, July 27th will be a full day (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM) devoted to the work of the Design Teams in developing the design approaches for their topic area. Saturday morning (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) will be devoted to each Design Team sharing the progress of their work with the rest of the Charrette and the community at-large. This will also be the opportunity for the community to discuss NEXT STEPS from the Strategic Planning process. Two forms of stakeholder participation will occur during the Charrette. Those who want to be a part of a Design Team and contribute to the definition of actions required to implement the development of a particular topic for the entire day on Friday will be considered Charrette Team Members and must also attend the pre-Charrette meeting on Thursday evening. Those who cannot commit to the entire day on Friday, but want to be able to come-by and see what is happening and attend the Saturday morning wrap-up session will be considered Charrette Observers. Observers will not be able to participate in the actual discussion of Design Teams but will be able to watch what is happening with the Team and comment on the results of their work on Saturday. Please make sure you REGISTER for the DI Strategic Planning Design Charrette as soon as possible so that we know how many participants to count on regarding the ordering of lunch, which will be served to all Charrette Team Members. Dauphin
Island Strategic Planning Design Charrette The Friday agenda for Charrette Team Members will include the following:
So please register as soon as you can by going to Charrette Registration. June 2007 The statement of the community’s shared vision for the future of Dauphin Island that was developed in the March 2007 Visioning Workshops provides the guidance and framework necessary for the community to begin to identify those assets the Island landscape provides and the challenges that must be overcome to begin taking actions that will achieve this vision. These assets and challenges will be identified through the next strategic planning process the community engages in – a SWOT analysis workshop to articulate community strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This workshop will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2007 at the Chamber of Commerce Building on Dauphin Island, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM. The workshop will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to review data collected to-date for the strategic planning effort and to contribute their ideas to the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats that will affect decisions regarding the design of strategies for the Town to achieve a sustainable future. So please make sure you fill out your SWOT Form in preparation for participating in this June SWOT Analysis Workshop. SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Dauphin Island SWOT Analysis Workshop And also please plan to attend the SWOT Analysis Workshop so that you will better understand how your contributions can be made to the actual development of Strategies that will be recommended for Town implementation to achieve the community's desired sustainable future during our July Design Charrette. More information about this July workshop will be coming soon. March 2007 The next activities for the Dauphin Island Strategic Planning process will be the week of March 25, 2007. At this time the Consultant Team will again be on the Island for more than a week. We will continue to meet with stakeholders individually as well as conduct some identified "small group meetings" for people with similar interests to gather and discuss their concerns with the consultants. Contact the Town Office for times when the Consultant Team will be available for stakeholders to drop in and chat at the Town Council Chambers. The "Small Group Meetings" have now been set and are listed below along with the target group being invited to each meeting.
During the week of March 25th there will also be three (3) workshops scheduled for all stakeholders in the Dauphin Island Strategic Planning process to meet and discuss their vision for the future, the issues that potentially interfer with meeting this vision, and the goals that people want to set in striving for their future vision. This workshop process will bring stakeholders together to chart a common view of how past events led us here – what “here” looks like, and how an ideal future might differ from the one that looks probable. Each workshop visioning process will include the following discussion elements:
The Consultant Team has scheduled three (3) workshops with an identical agenda so that every Dauphin Island stakeholder will have an opportunity to attend one of these, as you can according to their own schedules. The 3 workshops will be scheduled for the Chamber of Commerce as follows:
Please try to make one of these workshop times and provide us with your vision for the future of Dauphin Island. Tell your friends and neighbors to get involved as well. |
Last Update: 10/15/07 |